Aether Chaos Rendering (HDRP Pipeline)

In this video we showcase the new rendering engine for HDRP (High Definition Rendering Pipeline) which can handle over well above 10K Batches and convert them to Entities for seamless pooling/batching of objects.

we saw a major performance improvement converting them to Entities instead of regular game objects, as before we where getting around 60-34fps without Entities (20k batches), and with Entities, we get well above 120fps+ (below 5k batches)

System specs: RTX 3070 Ti
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
RAM: 64GB of DDR4 3200MHz

we sent this demo to our QA testers and saw a steady 60fps on there end on a GTX 1060 6GB, and a Radeon 560 solid 60 fps

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